Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Oops. 49ers receiver Bryant 'belligerent' in drunken-driving arrest

Pitt alumnus (?), former Cleveland Brownie and
occasional hothead Antonio Bryant is in trouble with the law.

Sorry to hear that, Antonio.
We've always admired you for throwing
a sweaty practice jersey straight
at Bill Parcell's frothing mug.

Mondesi's House Goes Off

Mondesi's House lists more than a few annoying things about sports. Joey Porter's Pit Bulls concur with just about all of 'em. Funny stuff.

“Kramer Is Who We THOUGHT He Was”

Joey Porter's Pit Bulls love the Kanye West headline at this post, which is worth a read. And we like the last line at this post about Michael Richards committing career suicide, and this thoughtful column, as well.